Chapter I entitled The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna

Arjuna gets dismayed at the sight of friends and relatives gathered to fight to the death in the great war of Kurukshetra. He loses his heart and declares to Krishna that he will not fight.

Chapter II entitled Sankhya Yoga (the Yoga of Knowledge)

Krishna asks Arjuna to reject the unmanliness and do his duty. This chapter has two parts: 1.the path of knowledge  Jnaana yoga or sankhya yoga 2. Karma yoga

Chapter III entitled Karmayoga, or the Yoga of Action

Krishna expounds on the importance of the performance of duty, in a detached way, according to both Jnanayoga and Karmayoga.

Chapter IV entitled The Yoga of Knowledge as well as the disciplines of Action and Knowledge

Lord Krishna describes his glory. Different forms of sacrifices are described. Glory of Knowledge is also explained.

Chapter V entitled The Yoga of Action and Knowledgeî

Sankhyayoga and the Yoga of disinterested action are described. Dhyånayoga, or meditation, together with devotion is also touched upon.

Chapter VI entitled The Yoga of Self-Control or the yoga of mecditation Karmayoga, or the Yoga of Disinterested Action, as well as the marks of one who has attained Yoga is described. There is also a detailed description of Dhyånayoga or meditation.

Chapter VII entitled The Yoga of Jnana (Knowledge of Nirguna Brahma) and Vijnana (Knowledge of Manifest Divinity)

Krishna expounds on both the god without manifestation, i.e. parabrahma as well as his manifested form.

Chapter VIII entitled The Yoga of the Indestructible Brahma.

Krishna clears Arjuna’s doubts on seven concepts on Answer to Arjuna’s seven questions on Brahman, Adhyåtma and Karma (Action), etc. The subject of Bhaktiyoga is discussed. The bright and dark paths are also explained.

Chapter IX The Yoga of Sovereign Science and Sovereign Secret

The subject of Jnana (Knowledge) with its glory is described. Fruits of worship with a motive and without any motive is explained.

Chapter X. The Yoga of Divine Glories

The Lord describes His glories and the power of yoga.

Chapter XI entitled The Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form

Arjuna is shown a vision of the universal form of Vishnu. In order to calm down the terrified Arjuna, the four-armed benign form of Vishnu is shown as well.

Chapter XII entitled The Yoga of Devotion

Respective merits of the worshippers of God with Form and without Form, and the means of God-realization are explained.

Chapter XIII entitled The Yoga of Discrimination between the Field and the Knower of the Field

The subject of Field and the Knower of the Field is covered. The subject of Prakurti and Purusha (Matter and Spirit) together with knowledge are described.

Chapter XIV entitled The Yoga of Division of three Gunas

Satva, Rajas and tamas Gunas (three primeval qualities) are explored in detail.

Chapter XV entitled The Yoga of the Supreme Person

Description of the Universe as a tree and the means of God-realization. The perishable form (Jeevatma) and the imperishable Paramatma or Purushottama are explored.

Chapter XVI entitled The Yoga of Division between the Divine and the Demoniacal Properties

The Divine and the demoniacal properties described along with fruits thereof. Instruction about renouncing conduct asopposed to the scriptures and exhortation to follow the scriptures.

Chapter XVII entitled The Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith

Discussion on Faith and on the fate of men who perform austere penance not enjoined by the scriptures. Different kinds of food, sacrifice, penance and charity described. The meaning and intention of uttering Om Tat Sat explained.

Chapter XVIII entitled The Yoga of Liberation through the Path of Knowledge and Self-Surrender

The subject of Tyåga or Relinquishment. Sankhya system, the path of Knowledge described. The path of Karmayoga, or selfless action, together with Devotion is expounded upon. The glory of the Gita described.