I am a witch I am very bored with my life There are no more wicked wizards or scheming witches I have to save the world from Our witching world is calm and peaceful And so, my favourite pass time is to Slip in to the world of the human realm And amuse myself with...
My body feels dead, like it should But it isn’t completely I am hanging between life and death Balanced delicately on the gossamer thread of hope and despair Which side will it tip? It has been 2, 3 or maybe 4 hours since My ma rushed me to the hospital White...
When she woke up, the sun starting vying with the clouds to let him have a glimpse of her insatiable beauty. And when she threw open the curtains and joined her hands in reverence, praying to the sun for the well-being of her loved ones, he blushed a bright red, the...
Chapter I entitled The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna Arjuna gets dismayed at the sight of friends and relatives gathered to fight to the death in the great war of Kurukshetra. He loses his heart and declares to Krishna that he will not fight. Chapter II entitled Sankhya...
ॐ श्री गमेषया नम: शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् । प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥ Shukla Ambara Dharam Vishum Shashi Varnnam Chatur Bhujam | Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet SarvaVighnopashaantaye || Meaning: He who wears white clothes, who is...
Hark! There’s palpable excitement everywhere. Surely joyful celebrations in plenty abound in the air. Here he is, the lord so handsome and dark. There’s palpable excitement everywhere, hark! For half a millennium he was hiding out of sight His...